Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Beginning

July 24th, 2013 is when my story began.  Actually it began a few days before that when I noticed my husband just didn't have much energy.  You see he was adamant about certain things.  He insisted on everyone carrying the trash out to the alley trash can.  He would say if we put it in the can next to the house it will stink.  One day I was putting something in recycling and noticed that he had put the trash bag in the can next to the house.  That is when I started suspecting something was wrong.

Next we went to the new Walmart to buy groceries and check it out.  Jerry was hanging on the the basket the whole time.  When I would stop to look at things he would hold the basket with both hands.  Jerry was always walking at least 10 feet in front of me or going somewhere else in the store.  As we continued our shopping I noticed he wasn't much better so I suggested he go sit down at the front of the store and wait for me.  He agreed very quickly.

After we got home that same day he laid down for a nap, that part is not unusual, and I got on my computer.  A few minutes later I went to the bedroom and noticed his skin color was yellow.  I said something about it to him and insisted he call to get an appointment to see the doctor.  He agreed.

He made his appointment for the following Tuesday.  We arrived at the doctor and when the nurse weighed him it showed he had lost a lot of weight and was around 146 pounds, down from 180.  The doctor told us she didn't like what she was seeing.  She drew some blood and told us she would probably have him go to have a sonogram done the next day.

July 24th was the next day.  Dr Patterson called Jerry and instead of telling him he needed to get a sonogram she told him she wanted him to go straight to the hospital. 

When we arrived at the hospital they rushed Jerry in for a CT scan and lots of blood work.  After several hours Dr. Bouchet came in to see us.  She told us there were several tumors on Jerry's liver and she wanted to admit him to the hospital.  She said that other doctors would come in to see us later in the day. 

I will continue with the beginning tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great way for you to help deal with your stress. I use to always write my feeling down and it always made me feel better.
